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Network Security Buyers Guide

6 May 2024

A Network Security Buyers Guide

Security professionals may differ in their opinions about a lot of things, but there’s little disagreement that the threat landscape is getting more virulent and complex by the day.

• The time to patch vulnerabilities before breaches occur continues to shrink, from days to just hours.
• The skill level required to initiate attacks is lower than ever due to the cheap and easy availability of prebuilt malware on the dark web.
• Difficult economic times could lead to more insiders being willing to explore potential deals with external threat actors.
• Politically motivated incidents, whether so-called hacktivism or state-sponsored attacks, may lead to an increase in incidents where the goal is to damage the brand rather than seek financial gain.

Clearly, the pressure is on to boost cybersecurity measures as a way to mitigate risk and provide additional levels of protection for sensitive information.

Palo Alto Networks & Secure IT Consult combine for Network Security

Palo Alto Networks and Secure IT Consult unite to deliver top-tier Network Security. Offering customised solutions for every scenario imaginable and comprehensive support from beginning to end, teaming up with SITC for your organisation’s cybersecurity needs is a clear choice!

Check out the Network Security Buyers Guide we have for you below, and reach out to us for the best in cybersecurity, made easy, with Secure IT Consult and Palo Alto Networks.

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Empower your business with unmatched network security from Secure IT Consult, your trusted cybersecurity partner. Explore our comprehensive guide of Palo Alto Networks solutions, and take the first step towards fortifying your defences. Don’t leave your organization vulnerable to cyber threats – secure your network today with SITC.

You can learn more about the elite defence solutions on offer from our team, and in our documentation, and see Palo Alto Networks’ portfolio in action by requesting an Ultimate Test Drive!

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