Trend Micro

For leading Cybersecurity solutions across industries, to get the best defence out of your security partners: Trend Micro.

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digital security Consultants

Training Partners

SITC is proud to be an Authorised Training Centre for Trend Micro – providing superior learning for customers; from novice users to seasoned professionals. The threat landscape is ever-changing and evolving, and our training courses provide the latest solutions and best practices from an industry-leading perspective. Across the landscape of threat vectors, we can assist you in finding the perfect solution for you from the range of defences on offer, as well as offer the services and training you need to best utilise them.

Trend Micro Services

For Cybersecurity Solutions that span across a multitude of use cases, from single-server, on-prem workloads to virtual and multi-cloud environments of any size, Trend Micro offers a range that can comprehensively and effectively detect, respond to, and protect from attack vectors of all types.


Cloud Oneâ„¢

Simplified Cloud Security with Cloud Oneâ„¢ Automation and Flexibility across all major providers to meet the needs of your company.


Apex Oneâ„¢

Security was never easier – blending cross-generational techniques to provide the broadest protection against threats of all classes.


Deep Securityâ„¢

Powerful, unified, and seamlessly integrated, runtime security across your environments – from Physical to multi-cloud workloads.


Deep Discoveryâ„¢

Inspect and Analyse across your network wiith Deep Discovery – from monitoring to advanced threats you’re protected all the way.



Threat protection with dynamic scalability, deep inspection, flexible deployment, and centralised management of security solutions



Protect yourself across the board with industry-leading detection and response throughout security levels with complete visiblity.

trend micro training

Need any Trend Micro training courses?

As an Authorised Training Centre, we can provide courses to suit every aspect of the product portfolio – from Deep Securityâ„¢ courses to Apex Oneâ„¢ and update courses. Wherever you need training, SITC can provide it.

Get In Touch Today

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