Our Blog

The Wood Street Mission Collection

14 Dec 2022

Wood Street Mission Collection

This Christmas, Secure IT Consult has supported the Wood Street Mission, and while we are additionally volunteering our time on the 19th of December, we also donated a wealth of presents ourselves AND we had a wider collection hosted very graciously by No.1 Spinningfields in order to facilitate even more donations for toys and gifts for children this Christmas!

We are proud to be taking part in supporting such a fantastic cause, and we can only hope to continue on supporting the amazing work done by the Wood Street Mission

Staff Donation Day:

We went shopping! The Secure IT Consult team went shopping in The Works store in Manchester Arndale to purchase brand new toys and gifts to donate, from ourselves, to the Wood Street Mission cause! We loaded ourselves up and made the trip over to their headquarters in the city centre to drop off everything we got!

No.1 Spinningfields:

At No.1 Spinningfields, they hosted a collection for us in order to receive donations for Wood Street Mission volunteers to come and collect from the building! There were lots of donations made by very generous tenants, and we thank No.1 Spinningfields for playing their part and hosting a collection!

Volunteering Day:

On the 19th of December, the Secure IT Consult team will be donating our time to the Wood Street Mission as well, as volunteers during their very busy Christmas work! Whether guiding families through for collecting toys and gifts, or sorting presents and donations into their places, we are very excited, and incredibly proud to be taking part in any form!

Once again, a massive thank you to Wood Street Mission for letting us get involved in such an awesome cause, and No.1 Spinningfields for hosting a collection for the us and the Wood Street Mission!