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Tomorrow’s SOC today

6 May 2024

Planning for Tomorrow’s SOC, Today.

Modern security threats are evolving at a faster pace than security technologies, while well-funded threat actors are investing in tools like machine learning (ML), automation, and artificial intelligence (AI). SOCs built around legacy security information and event management (SIEM) weren’t necessarily designed for the purpose of accurate detection. As such, they aren’t effective in leveraging ML for detection engineering that keeps pace with digital transformation, cloud initiatives, and advanced attack campaigns.

How to plan for tomorrow’s SOC today, with Palo Alto Networks & Secure IT Consult.

SOCs Can Come in Many Flavours. With Palo Alto Networks, the SOC story is highly optimised in that they actively chose to break away from the traditional four-tier SOC approach, ranging from tier 1 analysts who monitor, prioritise, and investigate SIEM alerts to tier 4 SOC managers responsible for recruitment, security strategy, and reporting to management. Taking more of a hybrid approach, the Palo Alto Networks SOC team follows this general philosophy:
• 80% of the SOC staff has previous SOC experience.
• Cross-train the SOC team in all domains, including alert triage, incident response, threat hunting, and others.
• Provide a well-funded annual training budget for all analysts.

The rationale is that they can:
• Maintain a nimble team, able to pivot between responsibilities (and tiers).
• Support business continuity.
• Provide a more engaging atmosphere and reduce staff burnout.
• Promote an environment of continuous learning.
• Provide greater coverage with less staff by relying on the right technology to get the job done

See the guide, and develop your own plan for tomorrow’s SOC with assistance from Secure IT Consult and Palo Alto Networks.

SITC – Your Palo Alto Networks partner

Ready to future-proof your security operations? Partner with Secure IT Consult and harness the power of Palo Alto Networks solutions to plan for tomorrow’s SOC today. Don’t miss our expert insights on building resilient defences for the future. Secure your business with confidence. Contact us now to get started on your journey to tomorrow’s security.

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